Personal Archive of Many Things

About me

Hello! I'm Riso (Riskota)! By the time I make this personal website I am around 21 years old or 20.

I have made this website to have a personal space, place to archive my things and of course, let people see whatever I was having fun with! I also want to share things that made me happy with others on this website so have fun! (Except for Folder of People, thats kinda personal!). Please have fun visiting and looking around my stuff! My hobbies are obviously games and books mostly. I do like art a lot too, I even write and do mods sometimes.

I will probably update this... paragraph like some sort of diary?

Update 9/30/2024: Had a wonderful day! Some folk even shared art and writing with me. I actually love checking and reading people's art!

Update 2/17/2025: Well... A lot happened... I did not forget about this site at all. I got to meet with wonderful people, I finally found someone to share... lots of things with and well... I did learn a lot and grow a lot during all that absence!

Things I Like

  • Touhou
  • Project Moon Games
  • RPGMaker Games [ex. Yume Nikki, OFF and alikes]
  • Any other game that allows modding!
  • Most Indie Games [ex. Hollow Knight, Celeste]
  • Probably way more stuff I forgot to mention but you get the idea.

  • Music: I love vocaloid, daycore, nightcore, game osts, and basically any genre. Though some playlists my friends share with me are often my favorites!
  • Vocaloid Playlist 1
  • Vocaloid Playlist 2
  • Spotify Playlist

  • Other Media (Movies/Series/Books etc.):
  • Horror Movies/Series
  • Thrillers
  • King in Yellow (and alikes)
  • Most anime/manga honestly with some least known/niche stuff here and there
  • Probably more stuff here that I might later add on